Women's Wisdom
Women’s Ways of Knowing: Awakening the Divine Feminine

One of my life mission’s as a coach, facilitator, teacher and midwife of consciousness is to assist in the healing and empowerment of women.
Historically, feminine energy has been repressed and that has caused imbalance and suffering in our own bodies and the world. My personal experience of growth and change has been accelerated through the tools of coaching, yoga, transformational breath work, ritual and - most importantly a daily meditation practice - to free myself from what has blocked me from my essence. My journey has allowed me to return to my own sacred feminine energy in body, mind & spirit.
It is time to heal the planet with reverence for the Divine Feminine principle, by returning to an old paradigm of connection and community, centered in peace, the common good, and sustainable environmental and social change. Meditation is a powerful practice that can support us in bringing forward and implementing more effective social change. I also believe that the art of living a life well lived is supported by opening our hearts, living from the inside out, telling our stories, gathering in community, engaging in creativity and art, and connecting to and honoring nature are some of the most powerful acts we can engage in to heal ourselves, empower each other, and live more authentically. When we implement a practice of returning to our true nature and essence through embodiment or consciousness raising practices, we bring an element of this healing forward in our lives and to each other. Living from this threshold we can be more effective thought leaders, teachers, activists, parents and community builders when we come together.
Women's Circle is a space where I offer facilitation for women to support, witness and nurture the feminine principles together through healing, community building, celebration and personal development. We work with themes in the collective, the natural world, our trauma and we explore the ways in which we may have ingested the out of balance, toxic masculine energies in our families and in our world. Trusting in the wild sacred feminine is a radical act in and of itself and when two or more women are gathered together with this intention healing happens.
Yoga is also a wonderful practice to explore the inside out work. I teach yoga workshops to women in all life stages: Pre/Post Natal, Luna Yoga for Women, Female Balancing and StrongYoga4Fertlity.

Prenatal Yoga
When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, nothing can prepare a woman's body, mind and spirit better than pregnancy yoga. Yoga is already well known for reducing stress and toning the body, but for an expecting mother it can do so much more. For the last 20 years, The Khalsa Way®, through time and experience, has researched and perfected the technology and application of pregnancy yoga.
Some of the benefits of Pregnancy Yoga are:
* Increased endurance, muscle tone & strength (very important in labor and birth)
* Less stress and more balanced hormones, which reduces symptoms like morning sickness and allows better nutritional absorption for mother and baby.
* Breath control and improved nervous system, which calms a woman's mind and allows better focus, endurance and pain management.
* A deeper and more meaningful spiritual connection between self and between mother and child during pregnancy, labor and parenting.
Pregnancy Yoga teaches prenatal yoga and meditation, recalling the ancient ways of birthing and mothering handed down to us through the ages. These practices lead a new mother to the awareness that she truly knows within herself how to bring her baby forth. Prenatal yoga teaches a woman to lift the blocks of fear, doubt and old conditioning out of her pregnancy, her birth and her life. This practice brings a holistic approach to birthing, exploring the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey to a healthy, conscious, and joyous pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.
* Yoga postures specifically tailored for strengthening and relaxing the rapidly changing body of a pregnant woman
* Breathing and meditation techniques
* Ancient ways of birthing and mothering handed down through the ages, that can help lift fears, doubts, and old conditioning; and
* The latest innovations in the fields of birthing and childcare, nutrition, doula care, massage, and nursing
I welcome pregnant mothers and those wanting to become pregnant - in other words, any and all women! As we educate women to become conscious mothers, we create a more conscious, loving and peaceful world.

Luna Yoga (for all women)
Created by Adelheid Ohlig, Luna Yoga supports reproductive health. Luna Yoga takes it’s name “Luna” from the moon, the symbol of the feminine, the unconscious, the intuitive. Luna Yoga is the combination of Yoga’s ancient matriarchal roots (and postures too long denied to women), Aviva Steiner’s menstrual calisthenics, and fertility dances that Adelheid Ohlig encountered in her travels. Luna Yoga is the woman’s way of connecting to her body, mind, and spirit, invented by women for women.
Luna Yoga is for women who want to:
· End infertility problems without hi-tech intervention
· Increase sexual pleasure
· Alleviate menstrual and menopausal distresses
· Heal gynecological illness
· Be more alive, healthy and beautiful
What can Luna Yoga do?
· Can stimulate ovulation & menstruation
· Ability to conceive can improve
· Implantation of a fertilized egg can be hindered
· Muscles of pelvic floor &tissues will be strengthened
· Cysts & fibroids shrink or disappear
· Pain &cramps before & during menses are relieved
· Endometriosis can be reduced
· Pms tension can be resolved
· The entire cycle is harmonized
· Menopausal symptoms are relieved or don’t develop
· Skin function improves (ph value, resistance, and moisture
· Vicious cycle of anorexia & bolimia can end
· For men, improves quality & quantity of sperm
· Increased delight in sexuality / increased orgasm
· Connect to inner wise woman to heal (healing as the path of beauty)
How Luna Yoga works for me:
Luna Yoga has taught me how to enhance my self-healing powers through the alchemy of emotion, movement and the breath. I have developed a heightened awareness to the relationship between suffering and self-care; when I am suffering from illness or imbalance I am reminded to pay attention to my needs—If I am unable to Give to myself, I cannot Give to others. This work has given me permission to feel my feelings rather than repress them. Luna Yoga nourishes my ability to choose what brings energy, vitality, & joy into my life.

StrongYogaTM Yoga4WomenTM StrongYoga4FertilityTM
StrongYoga4Fertility TM is a proprietary approach to teaching Yoga for Fertility created by Brenda Strong. This program uses the ancient healing wisdom of yoga and applies it to the modern problem of reproductive difficulty. Using specific postures and breathing techniques to open the body from the inside out, Yoga4Fertility TM helps to release tightness in muscle and connective tissue, increase blood flow to reproductive organs and invites the mind and body to presence it’s own healing capacity. Brenda’s work combines Yoga asana, visualization, meditation, pranayama, qi gong, bioenergetics and acupressure to help empower women to open their 2nd Chakra (which rules the reproductive organs) and increase a woman’s connection to the divine feminine while decreasing her stress. Yoga and meditation have been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease levels of stress hormones and create significant improvements in a person’s sense of well being. Yoga has also been shown to increase levels of gamma amniobutyric acid (GABA). Low levels of GABA are associated with anxiety and depression. More information: www.yoga4fertility.com

Feminine Centered Yoga & Meditation Workshops:
Female Balancing:
An introduction to Strong Yoga 4 Women & Strong Yoga 4 Fertility.
Awakening the Divine Feminine:
Focus on the female chakras, inspired by Luna Yoga & Female Balancing Yoga specific to women’s issues, sexuality, and fertility.
Tibetan Dakini Mandala Practice: The 5 Dakini Mandala practice is both meditation and ritual. A creative practice that nurtures the sacred within the practitioner.
The language of Tibetan Buddhism recognizes that the Dakinis (“women who fly”) transmit teachings directly to reincarnated teachers without need of institutions. The language of Dzogchen recognizes the path of sudden awakening (the “path of no path”) and embraces the profound teachings and transformative practices of tantric yoga (the yoga of channels and energies).
Luna Yoga: A workshop including yoga and ritual, to honor and celebrate the new moon or full moon.
Shakti Embodied: Workshop series for women to connect, empower & heal through our natural cycles.
The Goddess & the Elements: Workshops that include a teaching, yoga practice, meditation, and guided ritual celebration around one of the four elements: ether, air, earth, water, & fire and one of 5 primary Goddesses: Saraswati (Goddess of the essential knowledge of our own Self, Creative inspiration; learning, arts, & skills. Durga (Goddess of Strength, Justice and Fierce Compassion); Kali (Goddess of Inner Power, Transformation and Fearlessness); and Lakshmi (Goddess of Love, Beauty and Abundance).
Each workshop will highlight one of the five faces of Divine Feminine Energy we all carry within. We will call forth these inner energies to assist us in facing our challenges in order to open more fully to our Feminine Essence~ our unchanging nature… Opening ~ Receiving ~ Nurturing ~Embracing ~ Flowing ~ Surrendering~ Creation ~ Manifestion.